Rachel Mae Rose and the Session;
John (cancer) & Anita Hendee (Cheryl's father and stepmother);
the family and friends of Robert Palmer and James Palmer (
the brothers of Dick Palmer);
the family and friends of Dr. Bill Petersen (the father of Sandy
Egli's brother-in-law);
Shirley and Cal, health issues;
Marty Baker, cancer;
Rowan, healing;
Kim, lymphoma;
Ike DuMond (brother of Sandy D), surgery;
Brenda (daughter of Sandy D) health issues;
Eloise (new born great granddaughter of Sandy D), arrhythmia;
people affected by the war in Gaza;
traveling mercies for Emily & James (daughter and son-in-law of
Members in Extended Care
Francis Wildenstein, Oxford Vets Home
Mary Williams (Chase Memorial - New Berlin)
Janet Clink (Memory Care Facility)
Joyce Warren (at home)
Marjorie Lewis (Chase Nursing Home)
Carrie Higley (Waterview Hills)
Rog Rogers (MMH North Wing)
Our College Students
Emma Egli (Masters Work)
Anna Egli (Medical School)
Maya Cliffe
Tannar Cliffe
Katherine Plummer
Drew DuMond
In the Military
Thomas MacKenzie Allen
Teaching Overseas
Makalia Bean (Teaching English in Daegu, South Korea)